
    Digital Teaching Learning

    Digital Teaching Learning
    Name of the College Program Link
    How to Breath Easy and Remove secretion efficiently with out strain

    Stretching Exercises for Respiratory Care in COVID 19 patients
    Functional Words
    Topic Card
    NIEPMD Client Management System
    Flash Card (A book for developing Communication)

    Factors affecting Audiometric Thresholds

    Digital Hearing Aids,Analogue Hearing Aids,Hearing

    Communication therapy for Ch with Multiple Disabilities

    Language Areas in Brain

    Occlusion effect and its effect on Tuning forks

    Low Technology AAC: A Demonstration
    Vestibular System & Body BalanceTongue Muscles

    Test for Hearing: Radha & Rosa Story

    My child does not speak a word: How does a speech therapist help?

    Audiology for a SiX year old: A tribute to Albert Einstein

    Air Conduction & Bone Conduction Pathways

    Emergence of first words: Prognostic Indicators

    Effect of Hearing Loss on Speech (Demonstration)

    External Ear Anatomy: A Clay Model

    Landmarks Inside the Cochlear Duct

    Augmentative Communication for Pw Cerebral palsy & ITC

    Speech is a Overlaid Function

    Factors affecting Audiometric Thresholds

    Phonetics & Phonology for a 6 year old

    Language areas in Brain

    Shadow Curve: The Need for Clinical Masking

    Brain Model in Clay

    A-Z of High Risk Indicators

    Facial Muscles & Function

    Sign language used in bank conversation

    Sign Language conversation used in Restaurant

    Sign Language conversation used in public places

    Sign language conversation used in shops

    Sign Language conversation used in public transport

    Social Work
    Information About Teaching Learning Materials

    Feeding methods for Persons with Disabilities